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NFL Blitz Hacking / Re: NBA Showtime Hacking for N64
« Last post by jaker3 on September 27, 2018, 05:52:01 AM »
Hey glitchrichmond,

Are the files the same size as the ones being replaced? When does it crash? on load or on the part that would load the newly inserted image?
Hey Gewal,

I made a editor for arcade gold, but not 100% if it works or would work. I've never gotten someone to test it. Pretty much it requires you to edit the raw bin (decompressed chd). The assumption is that the arcade version uses text and renders the players names in game. However if it works like the PC version and renders it from a sprite it wouldn't work as intended. I'm more then willing to help walk you through testing the editor with the arcade version so we can figure it out.
NFL Blitz Hacking / Re: NBA Showtime Hacking for N64
« Last post by glitchrichmond on September 25, 2018, 05:31:12 PM »
I know this is very overdue but, I've been trying to chip away at this lately. I've found almost all the values for editing a player that I can. I can also decompress the game with GEDecompressor. It gives me all of the files that the EDL decompressor did and allows me to compress and inject graphic files back into the game. The problem I'm running across now is that when I edit the .bin files that GEDecompressor spits out (in Texture64) and try injecting them back into the game, the game freezes when it tries to load the edited texture.

Honestly, I would love to be able to edit all the graphics files in the game but even just being able to edit player faces would be pretty cool. The player faces are all 6-7KB files that are spit out of GEDecompressor. I know I'm way late on this so I understand if the window is closed, so to speak. Thanks for all the help Jaker!
NFL Blitz 2018 (NFL blitz 2000 hack) / Arcade NFL Blitz & NFL Blitz 2000 Gold hack options?
« Last post by Gewal on September 23, 2018, 09:25:07 AM »
I have both of these arcade versions with the chd's loaded on CF Flash drives.

I have seen a couple posts about a potential roster update or mod for arcade?  Was it ever completed?

If so I would love to test it out....

NFL Blitz Hacking / Re: Noob with questions
« Last post by RedblacksGuy on September 15, 2018, 11:41:03 AM »
Thanks Jake!

I appreciate all your help. I'm really excited to hear that.

It's weird, previously, I had problems with the Toronto team too. In the editor, it would freeze and crash whenever I would try to scroll over any of Toronto's files. And conversely, when playing it in the emulator, it would crash when I tried to select them to play. Is that similar to the issues you have seen?

In any case, I reverted to a backup ROM to continue editing. As my original plan of action was to:

-Insert new image files for team 1
-Update and replace image files for team 1
-Save and copy-paste rom, like a save state, in case anything went wrong
-Repeat for teams 2-31, etc.

Then, I had the problem which I originally posted about.

Perhaps all the duplicating corrupted the file table on my rom?

But regardless, endless thanks to you! When it comes to hacking, I don't know my butt from a hole in the ground, but you've made the editor so simple, I don't know where I see improvements need to be made. But if I have an idea I'd be sure to let you know.

Thanks again!
NFL Blitz Hacking / Re: Noob with questions
« Last post by jaker3 on September 15, 2018, 08:42:24 AM »
Hey RedBalckGuys,

Soooo I've got a fix in the app locally, I'll try publishing the fix today or tomorrow. Just want to do a few more tests.

Other good news is I've tested your ROM hack on real hardware and for the most part it works! which is awesome since I've never seen a rom hack with this many teams added and this many inserted graphics. The only thing I've noticed is there seems to be some issues with the Toronto team. I'll see if i can figure that one out also.

Also thanks for using the tools! It's hard to advance them without feedback from others. On that note if you see anything that could use an improvement or if there is something I could do to make it easier to use let me know!
NFL Blitz Hacking / Re: Noob with questions
« Last post by RedblacksGuy on September 05, 2018, 06:10:43 PM »
Hey Jake, thanks for taking a look at it. I appreciate it very much!

NFL Blitz Hacking / Re: Noob with questions
« Last post by jaker3 on September 03, 2018, 10:12:10 AM »

Just wanted to let you know I got your email. Was in my spam folder :|. I took a look and the file table is at the end of the rom, I've manually extended the file and it seems top allow me to insert more files. I'll see what i can do to make the file editor automatically do this.
NFL Blitz Hacking / Re: Noob with questions
« Last post by jaker3 on August 31, 2018, 11:13:48 AM »

This is odd. I don't see why all 31 teams could not be replaced. Can you email me your rom hack? Also email me the file your trying to insert. That way i can debug the issue myself and see if I can recreate it. You can use any upload site to share the rom hack patch.
NFL Blitz Hacking / Noob with questions
« Last post by RedblacksGuy on August 29, 2018, 10:14:37 AM »
Hi everybody,

Newbie here, just signed up after tinkering with a Blitz mod for a little while. I have run into a wall and hopefully someone might have had a similar issue or knows a workaround.

First off, I just want to say how cool it is that there is a community dedicated to Blitz. The new football games are so boring now. Blitz is so simple and intense probably never see a game like it again. So I was super excited to have found out that there are others who go back to this game and even update it. And the tools available here are incredible. With no prior experience, I can create my own blitz mod with paint by numbers-like ease.

So, I am a big time Canadian football fan. But being that a new and full-fledged, fully-licensed CFL game would ever turn a profit or worth anyone's time to create... there won't be ever be a CFL Madden 20XX. While there are great CFL mods available for Madden, NCAA etc., Blitz is really the perfect mould for a CFL game. So I figured I'd try my hand at it.

Now I have made some good progress. I have been able to replace 10 NFL teams with the current CFL teams without much of an issue. My problem arises when I try to replace more. It seems I have hit a wall, now any time I try to add a new image file or replace another through the editor, the files corrupt. Now, me being a complete noob, I don't know what exactly is causing this. Is there a memory limit on the ROM? Maybe a limit of image files that can be injected into ROM before it explodes? I have also used the clone tool to add another team, perhaps that has caused issue?

My idea is to replace all the NFL teams with historic CFL teams, 90's expansion teams, fantasy teams etc. Is it possible that all 30+ teams can be replaced on a ROM or is it too much?

I have attached an image of what happens when I try to add/replace a new file.

Also, is there a way to post a link to the hack I've created thus far?

Any help would be appreciated.

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