January 21, 2025, 10:57:31 PM

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Any update on the mod for the arcade version? I was following along on the slack channel for a while, but it seems like it's gone now.

Yes. Thanks to both of you. Very interested in updating my cabinet to a 2019/2020 roster.
I just wanted to say thanks to both of you for continuing work on this! I have wanted this for a long time and hopefully you can manage to get it working.

I have a NFL Blitz 2000 Gold/NBA Showtime. The one that has both on the same drive and you pick from a menu. Would it help for me to get you a copy of this drive? I’d be happy to do so if it would help at all. If you need any testing help I’d be happy to as well.

To make collaboration a bit easier, I setup a Slack team: https://join.slack.com/t/nfl-blitz-data-editor/shared_invite/zt-eep1rr5g-fs5V6AWBK9EP37OLs5hbJA

It's open to anyone who wants to help.
Does the demo work on Windows 10?  Do I need a specific version of DirectX?
Oh, one other thought I had about the UI.  I would be really nice if it were to tie into an actual NFL database, like https://www.pro-football-reference.com/, to allow the user to import a specific season.  The team rankings would be generated from that as well as allow the user to import players based on that season's current players list.
Sorry, I don't know why I haven't received notifications of these posts.  Let me give you an update and some responses to your questions:

Where I'm at:
With the whole COVID-19 lockdown, work actually got more significant in the business I'm in (software development against health care data).  You can image the amount of demand we're getting right now.  Anyway, where I last left things is trying out modifying the data file and re-export a CHD to MAME.  That failed miserably.  I even tried extracting a CHD and recompressing the CHD only to have it fail as well.  So that testing approach isn't going to work.

Anyway, I'm back to working on the code and so let's pick up with your questions:

1) Thoughts on Blazor/WebWindow
TBH: Not a Blazor fan.  I'm a web developer so I embrace JavaScript to do my client-side development.  But that doesn't mean it doesn't have value as a tool to build desktop apps.  So if you think that it would work for the desktop, I'm fine with that.

2) When building UIs, I do generally come up with some wireframes around what I'm trying to accomplish.  It helps see things first before putting them in code.  That being said, I'm often building complex UIs where this is likely fairly straight forward in what we are trying to accomplish.  Writing out the goals of what the UI is supposed to let the user do would be the first step and then we can mock some things up from there.  Balsamiq is a great mockup tool.

3) PC version vs Arcade version: Are all Blitz Arcade versions similar (ie: Blitz classic, Blitz '99, and Blitz 2000) compared to the PC version?  I would targeting only Blitz 2000 to start with as it's easy to upgrade any arcade to the Blitz 2000 with a couple of chip swaps.  If PC is compatible with Arcade, that would also help there.  Ideally, the way I see NFLBlitzDataEditor.Core would contain readers and writers for specific platforms/version.  This would allow the UI to simply swap between which ones they want use the interfaces to access the methods to read/write.

I have an NFL Blitz classic and need to install the Blitz 2000 upgrade + Flash Drive mod, but I may have to get myself another board so that I can develop and test on the hardware without constantly taking apart my arcade cabinet.

Let me refreshed with the code again and see where we stand.  I remember I was facing a challenge of there being some odd image files mixed around.  Maybe that code with debugger logic in it will help.

So I pretty much confirmed the PC version is a direct Arcade port to PC. The first NFL Blitz seems to have shipped with its debug symbols intact (Watcom). So we can step through (with Open Watcom) the PC version to help better understand the Arcade game. I'm also going to take a look around to see if there is a relatively easy way to get it to decompile to C. According to the debug symbols most of the source was written in C with only a few in assembly.

If your interested I can hook you up with a copy of NFL Blitz for the PC.

Else I noticed the demo released by midway and archived here:
Also contains the debug symbols.
Hey dmgambone,

Been awhile since I heard from you. Hope all is doing well. I was going to start building out the UI. Any ideas on how you want it to work? Come up with a mock up first? I was thinking we could possibly start defining the interfaces also. Would be nice if the UI could be used with different back-ends (Arcade, N64, ect...)

Edit: What do you think about using Blazor and WebWindow:

Also bought a separate Blitz Seattle board to make testing easier.... Just need to get it running first haha.
Hmm, I'm looking at the ARHLML.WMS entry in the data file.  This is what I see:
Code: [Select]
Offset(d) 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47

00000000  41 52 48 4C 4D 4C 2E 57 4D 53 00 00 84 AB 24 80 00 00 2A 43 00 00 00 43 00 00 AA 42 00 00 80 C2 00 00 00 00 00 00 2A 3F 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 3F  ARHLML.WMS..„«$€..*C...C..ªB..€Â......*?......€?
I don't see the values you wrote out there.  I'm noticing some oddities in extracting the image data as well.  For example, the Cowboys helmets (PC version = DAHLML.WMS and DAHLMR.WMS) aren't pulled properly.  The image header record is saying the image is 256x256, where every other helmet image is 256x128.

Looks like I need to do more investigating...
The values in my notepad screenshot? Those are for TMSEL00.WMS a Sprite sheet that has 53 sprites.

Your only seeing 48 bytes because ARHLML.WMS is only a single sprite. Lookup a sprite sheet with multiple sprites.
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