« Last post by thedaynos on December 22, 2020, 07:37:26 PM »
Hey all! I just found this site and i'm really not sure how since I'm a blitz fanatic and have done a ton of searches on this topic in the past. Maybe you're just getting more search priority on google now, or possibly I'm using different search terms..
I've been browsing the forums for a while now and I am excited to see there's an attempt here at a Blitz 2000 arcade emulator. However, i'm looking to edit Blitz 99, since that's my favorite version (it's the only one I know of where Kitzrow says "HOLY f-n sh*t!" and "WHAT THE F**K?" beeped out of course, but those are the kinds of things I love about blitz).
With all of that said, I'd like to start working on some patch where i can update the blitz 99 arcade chd with updated rosters and teams every year.
If anyone can provide me with the most up to date link that would help me out as far as what to look for in the chd as far as team name, team jersey, player stats/physical attributes, or player names... even if all you can paste here is an informative link, that would be awesome. There is so much information here. one thing I've read is that player names are stored in sprites and not in plain text which is a bummer but just more of a challenge I guess.
I also think I read somewhere that some of the versions of the files are compatible with other versions somehow. I'm not sure if that would apply to blitz 99 at all.
Anyway, this site is awesome and i'll continue browsing and messing around. Thanks in advance!