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Messages - Patsox

Pages: [1]
NFL Blitz 1997-2003 / Re: Arcade version w/roster updates
« on: May 26, 2016, 08:03:46 AM »
That will work.  I am awaiting my cabinet now and I did order the flash card drive to replace the old standard HD.  After stumbling upon this site and seeing all of the great work everyone is doing I thought there might be a market for us less tech savvy players who would still enjoy the roster updates.  Please keep me updated.

NFL Blitz 1997-2003 / Arcade version w/roster updates
« on: May 23, 2016, 03:01:10 PM »
I am brand new to the forum, I just stumbled upon it while searching NFL Blitz.  I was glad to see that there are hacks for roster updates out there.  My only problem is that I am not super computer savvy and not sure if I could perform the hack myself.  I just purchased a 2000 Gold arcade cabinet for personal use.  I was wondering if anyone knew where (If available) I could purchase a hacked flash version of this game.  Any thoughts?



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