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Messages - Tarantula

Pages: [1]
Gotcha in terms of the 41 - Glad my ComSci class in college didn't go to waste in the end.

I've found a way to fix the issue I was seeing: I re-applied the Zoinkity patch without roster updates to my original .rom, and then adjusted the roster in the Roster Editor, but I put Eli Apple instead of DRC and the Giants work perfect - No missing players or anything. I think you're right and that it just goes back to the length of DRC's name screwing up the data.

Thanks for helping me work through this. I was hoping to contribute some rosters to this board (2017 and a special Greatest Teams one), so I wanted to debug this before I did any of that. Plus it's great that I can now play as my favorite team with no complications.

NFL Blitz Hacking / Re: NFL Blitz Roster Editor (UPDATED: 2/28/2017)
« on: February 28, 2017, 09:56:54 PM »
Thanks for going out of your way to do that. It works perfectly now.

NFL Blitz Hacking / Re: NFL Blitz Roster Editor (UPDATED: 10/14/2016)
« on: February 27, 2017, 08:06:16 PM »
Odd, I can test it out later today... Are you using a .z64 file?

Tried it with both a patched .z64 and .n64 file. Crashed no matter what.

I took your advice, but I did notice that there was a bit of an issue with the hex you provided. It should've been "72 74 69 65 3F 86 66 66 01 01 21 00" since '21' is Collins' number, and when I typed '41' it changed his number.

At the very least I now have Collins back (Though he's larger than he should be for some reason), but DRC is still missing. I did notice, though, that the hex is now in his display name. I've attached both a screenshot of what I'm seeing and the hex.


Take from that what you will. I'm still trying to work through this.

So, I went into Cygnus like was suggested, and I noticed something. I have very little programming experience, but I did notice that while most players have "?...ff....Name...?" separating them, it looks like DRC and Landon Collins don't have that. The string is:

?.ff...R. Casillas.....A.RodgersCromartie....!....Collins.....?

If I haven't explained it that well, I've included a screenshot.


Anyone know what this means?

NFL Blitz Hacking / Re: NFL Blitz Roster Editor (UPDATED: 10/14/2016)
« on: February 26, 2017, 09:05:20 PM »
I'm having major issues with the most recent version of this editor. Ever since I downloaded the most recent version, whenever I use the "Pull roster from rom" option, it crashes the program instantly. I can still load roster files individually, but I can't do anything with rosters associated with .rom files, which is very annoying. I've tried on two different PCs and have had the same issue with both.

Can anyone address this? I'm using Windows 7 64-bit.

Is this for the giants only?

Yes. Every other team in the game works as it should.

Thanks. DRC is back now, but Collins is still MIA. I know he was there with the 2015 roster I downloaded from here, so I'll try to re-build my current roster off of that over the weekend.

EDIT: Nope. It doesn't matter what roster I use - At least one player on the defense is always invisible. I don't know what's wrong.

I have a version of Zoinkity's original patch I can upload later.

That'd be great. I think I had the original patch on my hard drive about a week ago, but I just re-installed my OS so I lost that file.

I tried removing the hyphen in DRC's name, but the problem persists. The Collins issue is a weird one since I don't believe it happened until a day or so ago.

I'd try to use a different .rom, but it looks like the file for Zoinky's patch has been set to private. Does anyone have a mirror or a .rom they'd be willing to share?

NFL Blitz 2018 (NFL blitz 2000 hack) / Missing Players on Giants Defense
« on: February 15, 2017, 08:42:58 PM »
Hey everyone,

I decided to sign up here because I've been playing NFL Blitz using the .rom hack and Roster Editor posted here for quite awhile, but I've run into a major problem when playing as my favorite team. I can't explain what the problem is other than that two players on the Giants defense have gone missing. I have Dominique Rodgers-Cromartie and Landon Collins in the LB2 and Safety slots in my roster editor, but when I play the game itself, neither actually appears. There's only a ghost of them, and it results in the gameplay becoming very buggy (Phantom tackles, graphical errors, erratic AI behavior, etc.)


I've tried fiddling with the roster before in order to get them to show up, but whenever I've been successful, my kicker has disappeared. This only happens with the Giants, as every other team I play with is just fine. I don't know how to go about resolving this.

Has anyone else ever run into this issue before? If so, how did you fix it?

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