NFL Blitz Fans
Blitz Hacking and Development => NFL Blitz Hacking => Topic started by: jaker3 on August 13, 2014, 09:03:11 AM
Currently support games:
N64 NFL Blitz 2000
N64 NFL Blitz 2001
N64 NFL Blitz 2000 Zoinkity's hack
Work in progress:
Arcade Blitz 200 Gold
PC NFL Blitz (original)
Updated 10/14/2016:
- Minor fixes to support other systems.
Updated 3/21/2018:
- Added up to date roster as of 3/19/2018
- Fixed save roster to rom bugs
Updated 2/3/2016:
- Added Team Name and city as editable fields.
- Add NFL Blitz 2001 for the N64
- Started working on PC and Arcade version
Updated Logo - Includes Idabadas 2016 NFL Roster!
Updated 10/28/2014:
Supports Zoinkity's patch
The link you edited is broken.
The link you edited is broken.
Hey! sorry, the past two days I've had issues with my hosting provider. I was finally able to get this sorted out and I've also fixed the link. Included is the roster editor that supports both formats of the game. I plan on adding support for editing players "height" and luck ability real soon... My fiance is having her bachelorette party this weekend so I;\'m sure I can find some time to add it then while shes away for the weekend. :)
Also, I will be working more on the editor and renaming to "NFL Blitz editor" as I'm adding support to older versions of the game also.
There are two problems with this editor, one is that the edits for players are hard to implement on the original hacked ROM except for numbers. The second is that the latest hacked ROM won't change the names of the players.
There are two problems with this editor, one is that the edits for players are hard to implement on the original hacked ROM except for numbers. The second is that the latest hacked ROM won't change the names of the players.
Hmmm... Can you elaborate more on this? Which roster file are you using? The old ones are no longer compatible. I've included an updated version of your latest roster file in the download. Zoinkity's hacked ROM does not include the players first name anymore, only the last name (first name is not used in the game). So this editor will only save last names if you select the hacked version from the drop down. Also what do you mean by "edits for players are hard to implement on the original hacked ROM"? One last thing. If you noticed there are players that do not have names at all. These are linemen. I forgot to add them in the original editor. The game does not save the linemen names.
Every time I implement the roster changes I want the correct way to the first hacked ROM, the game keeps changing it and making most of the quarterbacks big and dark skinned.
Every time I implement the roster changes I want the correct way to the first hacked ROM, the game keeps changing it and making most of the quarterbacks big and dark skinned.
Must have switched the locations of skin color and size around... I'll have that correctly shortly.
Hey Idabadas,
Yeah I was right... I had mixed up the values of weight and color when I was reading from the ROM. I've fixed it now... You can use the same download link to get the new version. Please let me know if you have any more issues.
Also, I finally added "luck" to the editor also. Which is the ability to receive long passes, evade, etc. its used by QBs and WR only.
What do luck numbers go up to?
What do luck numbers go up to?
Hey Idabadas, not sure... I'll ask Zoinkity, I'm sure he knows.
Just an update, I worked a bit on the editor tonight to support Zoinkity's patch. Almost done!
I will hopefully have the updated roster editor uploaded this week. Currently working on a way for the editor to also insert graphics.
Did I give you the breakdown on the funky way it stores some of the palettes? They spliced a single palette into three uneven parts for things like the stripes and fonts.
"Luck" is a funny register. Special characters use 0xED. Blitz 2k is a funny beast, a sort of halfway point in the codebase, so it treats the value in two different ways. Some code comes from the original Blitz 64 and uses it as a signed value (-35), and some other code that would wind up being used in subsequent games treat it as an unsigned value (237). That's why you don't see consistent "luck" effects when it comes to pass success, etc.
I'd honestly suggest the plug-&-chug method.
Did I give you the breakdown on the funky way it stores some of the palettes? They spliced a single palette into three uneven parts for things like the stripes and fonts.
"Luck" is a funny register. Special characters use 0xED. Blitz 2k is a funny beast, a sort of halfway point in the codebase, so it treats the value in two different ways. Some code comes from the original Blitz 64 and uses it as a signed value (-35), and some other code that would wind up being used in subsequent games treat it as an unsigned value (237). That's why you don't see consistent "luck" effects when it comes to pass success, etc.
I'd honestly suggest the plug-&-chug method.
Hey Zoinkity, I don't think you went into detail on how they store some of the palettes. Also still struggling with the majority of graphic files that are not RGB16 (hence me only replacing title screens so far lol :-\). Its something that I am currently trying to learn/figure out and any guidance is appreciated.
Just an FYI - if you want the game to show both first and last names (such as Russell Wilson or Devante Freeman) in the game, you can just type in the full name of the player into the roster editor. It will display it just fine!
Just an FYI - if you want the game to show both first and last names (such as Russell Wilson or Devante Freeman) in the game, you can just type in the full name of the player into the roster editor. It will display it just fine!
thats a good idea, keep in mind the limit id 16 characters.
Also an update, I finished the team expansion tool for the 2000 hack, working on updating the roster editor so users can edit team name, city, ect...
Alright! We have a fresh updated roster editor! Please not that it no longer works with older roster xml files as we have added new fields! If anyone experiences issues please let me know, we can now rename the St Louis Rams to the LA Rams ;)
Fantastic work Jake! I have a few questions:
1.I see a roster xml in the folder (2016roster.xml). Is this only to be used in certain versions?
2. In 2001, I imported the roster from the ROM I have. It worked, however it appears that the characters are in the wrong "endianness" (i.e. Cardinals shows up as aCdrnilas) (picture here:
3. I assume that only Zoinkity's hacked version allows for extra teams, correct? I see multiple teams in the dropdown list (a second texans team, another labelled "test team" etc).
Again, brilliant job. Thanks for everything!
Hey Blitzmaster,
1. It can be used with any version even if the roster contains more players or teams then another version, those teams/players just wont be inserted.
2. Hmmm, its working for me. is it z64? Send the game to my email (unedited) and I'll see if the offsets matchup for the data tables tomorrow.
Proof it works for me lol:
3. Yeah, he had to update all the data tables along with change of they are read in his 2000 patch. It would take a lot of work to implement it in another version. He has notes on what he edited in Blitz2k\workpad. Haha, thanks for the heads up on "test team"... I updated the download and removed those extra teams, those were from a test ROM I was working with. Also I finished the tool that adds expansion teams to Zoinkitys hacked version, should hopefully have time to upload it tomorrow.
Okay that makes sense. I have a .n64 file for my 2001 rom. This is most likely the issue. Thanks again, this is awesome. and it's cool to see you also updated the actual rosters - did you do that by hand? I'm gonna showcase this at the superbowl party I'm going to - We're gonna have a blitz tournament before the game and this is going to blow their minds!!
Just checked it with the .z64 rom - perfect!!
also, do you know what the difference is between z64 and n64 file types? I've noticed that when I play in project64 (I have version 2.2), I have to change the CPU core style from recompiler (which works fine for any of my .n64 roms) to interpreter for the z64 file types. If I don't, the frame rate drops to about 1 fps. I'm just curious if this occurs in the earlier versions of project64 as I saw in your screen shot you have an earlier version (based on the icon). What video plugins are you using?
I didn't make the 2016 xml update, Idabadas has been so nice to do it for the past two years now and has done a pretty good job of it haha. he posted the roster back in October so it might be a little dated, I just updated the file to work with the new editor.
The difference between n.64 and z.64 is Endianness, Z64 is Big Endian. Not sure what the issue would be with the emulator and I'll check that plugin I'm using when I get home from work.
Haha the blitz tournament sounds legit, you plan to use an everdrive?
Nah, don't have one. I have a 64 and all the games, but after playing the hacked version on my PC it looks so much better we're just gonna hook the comp up to the TV. I have those controller adapters so we can do 2v2 no problem.
I've been trying to find the tackle animation function that determines which one to do with no luck. I have found some addresses that I think correspond to each animation, but haven't been able to trace down how those values are determined. I was hoping to have it figured out by the super bowl, but at the rate I'm going I don't think it's gonna happen.
Hey Jake, now that you mention it - can you fill me in on the everdrive? I've read a bit about it but don't know how well it works. If you have used it at all can you give me some details? I would be interested in getting one eventually if I know it's reliable - especially with respect to modifed ROMs. Thanks!
The ever drive is just a flash cart for the N64, it essentially allows you to play your ROM collection (including modified blitz) on real hardware. Its a bit pricey but its convenient to be able to play on a real system.
Week 17 & Playoffs update
Week 17 & Playoffs update
Awesome work as always man! Appreciate the upkeep with it :) always better to play with an updated roster.
You're welcome, however the current editor won't let me save any roster to the ROMs, they become unplayable when I do so.
You're welcome, however the current editor won't let me save any roster to the ROMs, they become unplayable when I do so.
I'll take a look into it...
You're welcome, however the current editor won't let me save any roster to the ROMs, they become unplayable when I do so.
I'll take a look into it...
I haven't had any issues with it, just fyi. 2000 zionkity hacked and 2001 work great (as long as the write ROM .z64 is used).
The only thing that could have been problematic is the original roster editor Jake originally posted had some test teams in it that could have been causing trouble, but he has since fixed it.
So I'm assuming this is not fully working yet for Blitz 2000 Gold Edition for the Arcade and NFL Blitz 1 PC, or am I doing something wrong? When I try to load the roster from the .chd rom file, it crashes the program. And the PC version only lets me change the stats of the teams, the player names, numbers, body types, etc. just revert back to normal.
I'm just wondering if anyone has an ETA of when it will be fully operational if it's not supposed to be now, as I mostly play Gold edition on Mame and really don't like the n64 version as it's clearly watered down so it could run on that console. As someone who's been playing Blitz games since 97, I've always wanted a roster tool like this and would really love to use it so much. Also, is support for Blitz 2000 Dreamcast version planned?
So I'm assuming this is not fully working yet for Blitz 2000 Gold Edition for the Arcade and NFL Blitz 1 PC, or am I doing something wrong? When I try to load the roster from the .chd rom file, it crashes the program. And the PC version only lets me change the stats of the teams, the player names, numbers, body types, etc. just revert back to normal.
I'm just wondering if anyone has an ETA of when it will be fully operational if it's not supposed to be now, as I mostly play Gold edition on Mame and really don't like the n64 version as it's clearly watered down so it could run on that console. As someone who's been playing Blitz games since 97, I've always wanted a roster tool like this and would really love to use it so much. Also, is support for Blitz 2000 Dreamcast version planned?
Hey ModelsOfBoats,
The Editor is actually made for the uncompressed raw format for arcade files. I've gotten it to pull the rosters from the gold arcade version but have not been successful getting it to boot after editing it... Partially due to my lack of knowledge of arcade systems (might be a checksum issue?). In order to edit the file you extract the image from the CHD file.
As for the PC version, you got it to boot properly after editing the stats?
As for the dreamcast, it is one of the systems I plan on supporting at one point.
Hey ModelsOfBoats,
The Editor is actually made for the uncompressed raw format for arcade files. I've gotten it to pull the rosters from the gold arcade version but have not been successful getting it to boot after editing it... Partially due to my lack of knowledge of arcade systems (might be a checksum issue?). In order to edit the file you extract the image from the CHD file.
As for the PC version, you got it to boot properly after editing the stats?
As for the dreamcast, it is one of the systems I plan on supporting at one point.
Okay I see. And yeah, I did get it to boot properly, I tested it by maxing out the stats for some teams, and it shows my changes in game, but all my player changes have been reverted to default. If re-pull my edited roster from the exe, it shows the same thing.
EDIT: I reinstalled the game and now not even my stats changes stick. This is weird.
I'll try playing around with the PC version to see if I can get it working.
I'm having major issues with the most recent version of this editor. Ever since I downloaded the most recent version, whenever I use the "Pull roster from rom" option, it crashes the program instantly. I can still load roster files individually, but I can't do anything with rosters associated with .rom files, which is very annoying. I've tried on two different PCs and have had the same issue with both.
Can anyone address this? I'm using Windows 7 64-bit.
Odd, I can test it out later today... Are you using a .z64 file?
If you have an extra team (i.e. if you used Jakes tool to add a team or used my patch which already has an extra team), this could be the culprit. I think I ran into the same issues.
Odd, I can test it out later today... Are you using a .z64 file?
Tried it with both a patched .z64 and .n64 file. Crashed no matter what.
Oh shoot... I see what the issue is now, its an easy fix. I'll try and get the fixed version uploaded tonight. Thanks for the heads up.
If you re-download it it should work now.
Thanks for going out of your way to do that. It works perfectly now.
Thanks for this! It's awesome, but I've got some issue.
I made a 2016 roster file, it works fine for a moment, but then when I keep playing for a while PJ64 puts a message "error: stopping emulation" then crashes.
I hope someone can help me, thanks.
Hey Tors, can you upload the roster file you are using? also what version of pj64.
Hey Tors, can you upload the roster file you are using? also what version of pj64.
Fine, here's the link:!ERhiXQwJ!dbNHqwRRcxGWO7_11wZ7FGxjL_-2lIOUEcn6oXoMW3U
I'm using ZoinkityHack version.
Hey Tors, Thanks for uploading it. I'll take a look at it and see what's up.
took a look at it... I wonder if your issue is similar to:
The game played fine, only had a small audible issue here and there... I'll play around with it a bit more... But until then try to keep all last names 16 characters or less.
took a look at it... I wonder if your issue is similar to:
The game played fine, only had a small audible issue here and there... I'll play around with it a bit more... But until then try to keep all last names 16 characters or less.
So, that's the only issue? Thanks bro.